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Summer is the season for airy and light clothing, perfect for staying cool in the hot weather. Sometimes these types of clothing will highlight areas that won’t make us very confident. They can be slight bulges or the outlines of the undergarments. But then, shapewear becomes the hero and will offer you a smooth and streamlined silhouette. And besides, it will enhance your confidence, especially with your summer outfits.
Finding the
right piece for the warmest season of the year can be a bit tricky. Most times,
the wrong seamless body shaper can lead to overheating and discomfort. With the
following guide, you’ll be able to find the perfect piece to wear under your
lightest summer clothes.
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Choose the perfect material
In this case, the choice of materials is always crucial. Look for breathable fabrics, which should wick away the moisture and will allow the air to circulate. Your shapewear should be made with materials like microfiber, spandex, and nylon, which are lightweight. These are fabrics that will offer a great balance between breathability and compression.
Some brands in
the market might even offer pieces with cooling technology or mesh panels,
which are great for regulating the temperature of the body. Another good option
is cotton blends. These are good for those who have sensitive skin. Cotton
isn’t as stretchy as other fabrics, but it is comfortable and breathable.
Find the perfect fit
The fit of your shapewear and hot sale custom waist trainer is as important as the materials. Pieces that don’t have the right fit will not only be uncomfortable, it will also create unflattering bulges and lines. Don’t forget to always check the size chart. If it is between your possibilities, try different sizes until you find the one that fits the best.
Your shapewear
should feel snug and not feel restrictive at all. It shouldn’t roll down, pinch
you, or make it difficult to breathe. If it does that, it means it is too
tight. For summer, you should consider pieces with lighter control. As the ones
with high compression can be uncomfortable in the heat. In general, the light
and medium compression ones will smooth out lines without discomfort or
The types and
target areas
There are
different shapewear pieces and they will target various areas of the body. For
bodysuits offer all-over shaping. They are perfect to wear under
dresses or fitted tops. Ideally, look for styles that have adjustable straps
and open-bust designs. One with breathable mesh panels will keep you cool
during summer.
Then we have high-waisted shorts, which are great for smoothing out the thighs, hips, and stomach. These are perfect to wear under shorts, skirts, and dresses. Just make sure that the waistband is securely sitting under the bust. As this will prevent rolling.
Next are waist cinchers, which are focused on the midsection. They are perfect for defining the waistline in tops and dresses. In this case, you should choose lightweight styles with a boning for structure.
And finally,
there are shaping panties. These are ideal to wear daily. They provide subtle
shaping and are perfect to wear under lightweight pants and skirts.
High-waisted styles will smooth out the tummy and avoid visible lines.
Consider the
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The color is always crucial, especially if you are wearing sheer or light-colored clothing. Nude tones, especially the ones that will closely match your skin, tend to be the best choice. They won’t show through. Many brands offer nude shades to suit different skin tones.
Consider the durability and comfort
Don’t forget that comfort is key. And this is important during summer too. You should look for pieces with flat seams or seamless designs. This will avoid chafing and irritation. Some silicone strips will help the garment stay in place. But make sure they won’t cause you any allergic reactions or discomfort.
Another factor
to consider is durability. High-quality pieces should always maintain their
shape and compression, especially during multiple washes. You should also hand
wash and air dry them. This way you’ll be extending the lifespan of your
Penggunaan korset yang tepat bisa membentuk tubuh yang ideal saat memakai gaun tertentu. Aku pun suka pakai supaya lebih percaya diri aja dengan penampilan yang lebih singset karena banyak lemak yang bergelambir dimana-mana haha..
BalasHapusMenemukan shapewear yang tepat dengan bahan berkualitas itu memang penting banget sih. Karena beneran bisa ngebantu memperindah bentuk tubuh. Jadi saat pakai dress, makin kelihatan kece dan seksi gitu. Dan kalau fabric-ya bagus, dipakai lama pun nggak masalah dan nyaman-nyaman aja
BalasHapusKalau lagi pake dress, pake shapewear ini emang ngaruh banget sih, bikin lemak jd tersamarkan kliatan singset gt. Tapi emang pilih shapewear agak tricky ya terutama kalau beli online, soalnya kan nggak bs liat langsung bahannya. Btw makasih buat tips milih shapewear - nya mak
BalasHapusNyamannya pakai shapewear itu meskipun melekat kuat di badan, ya kan biar bisa membentuk tubuh kita kan ya, tapi tetap kulit kita bisa bernafas alias tidak meninggalkan bekas atau mengganggu peredaran darah. Emang sih kualitas tidak akan mengkhianati harga ya. Hehe...
BalasHapusmilih shape wear itu tricky ya mbak. Apalagi kan kebanyakan shape wear itu ga boleh dicoba jadi kita kudu beneran paham tubuh kita dengan baik agar ukurannya pas
BalasHapusIt must be very comfortable to wear a body suit that suits our body's needs. Sometimes body suits that don't fit your body can make it uncomfortable to wear for activities
BalasHapusKalau di negara 4 musim, pakaian yang dikenakan tuh emang menyesuaikan dengan musimnya ya. Karena cuacanya beda, jadi jenis, bentuk dan bahan pun disesuaikan
BalasHapusA complete review about how to choose a perfect shapewear. I think I need this kind of shapewear.
BalasHapusI agree, wearing shapewear will give us a smooth and slim silhouette which will increase our confidence, especially with our summer outfits.
BalasHapuspakai shapewear ini memang membantu banget ya buat membentuk tubuh kita biar kelihatan lebih curvy. tapi tentunya milihnya harus bahan yang nyaman dan pas di badan biar nggak menderita pas dipakai
BalasHapusThe model is really cute, so interested in having one too :)
BalasHapusBener sih, kalau pas musim panas harus mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman dan tentunya menyerap keringat, sehingga gak mengganggu ketika beraktivitas
BalasHapusIt's true that when it's summer, I want to give up wearing shapewear. But since discovering the waistdear brand, I'm back to using the comfortable and stylish seamless body shaper in pretty muted colours.
BalasHapusTricky juga ya untuk mengondisikan penampilan saat mengenakan outfit di musim panas. Penginnya pake baju minimalis, tapi ga pengin kelebihan lemak muncul. Paling pas emang pake shapewear gini di bawah baju yang kita kenakan.
BalasHapusmemilih pakaian untuk musim panas tuh menurut aku gampang-gampang susah. aku pribadi lebih suka pakaian yang terbuat dari bahan katun sih, Mak
BalasHapusKalau pas keluar rumah butuh daleman seperti ini
BalasHapusBiar leluasa bergerak
Keringat juga aman diserap
Dan pastinya tidak khawatir sakit jika bergerak lebih banyak dan harus lompat sana sini
Jadi memilih warna itu juga penting ya utk pakaian dalam kita. Cari yang sesuai warna kulit kita yng terbaik. Ita juga sih.. Jadi ga keliatan makai untuk orang2 yang memakai pakaian agak sedikit terbuka atau menerawang.
BalasHapusMemilih shapewear apalagi untuk summer memang agak tricky ya. Soalnya dress yang dipakai kadang jadi lebih tipis biar gak gerah. Jadi dalemnya sebisa mungkin yang tersamarkan tapi tetap membuat nyaman